Sunday, January 18, 2015

Galaxy Defenders or Guardians of the Galaxy

What does a three day weekend plus a trip to the game store make?

The answer for me is simple, first we rented Guardians of the Galaxy then the next day I kept the theme going by picking up the Galaxy Defenders board game.

The movie was just awesome, one of the funnier movies I have seen in awhile, the screwdriver I was drinking probably helped a little.   I love Sci Fi movies and this one was just excellent.  I will post up a review in the future.  The next day I picked up Galaxy Defenders because I was looking for a tactical solitaire board game.  This one looks neat as I have only set up the first scenerio and read the rulebook thus far.  More info coming later.

Another Long Absence-Hopefully Back Fulltime

I have been gone for awhile now, being a dad, coaching football, managing all my hobbies.  I think I am going to start posting on a regular basis again.  Hopefully I can figure out how to merge my two Google accounts, it would make this much easier.

For the past few years I have focused primarily on board and miniature gaming, that is probably where I will leave off.  I was surprised to see over 5000 page views, that pumps me up.