Saturday, November 20, 2010

Screen Shot Box Shot Injustice

We have all seen screen shots and box shots. Sometimes we look at them and get all googly-eyed about the game that were interested in even though they could look like an old Nintendo 64 game, but if its a game that were into then were going to love the shots of the game that they give us. Well actually, that's being a fan-boy but we will save that for another article. Were talking about screen shots and box shots, images taken from the game that are used to promote said game and tell the world how great the graphics are.

My problem with screen shots and box shots is that they barely ever show an accurate representation of the game. They are usually images that are taken from totally different camera angles than the game is played. Sports games are the main culprit to most of these screen shot and box shot Injustices. You ever see the back of the box of a Madden game? Whether it be Madden 92 or Madden 08, you will always see awesome in game shots on the back. These shots are there to show off the game, to make someone on the fence about buying go “damn, look at this.” The problem with this though is that the graphics never, and I mean ever, look like the box shots do. With Madden’s box shots or just about any of EA’s sports games the box shots are usually instant replay photos. Now that's fine and dandy but you know what EA, I don’t play the game in instant replay mode. I play the game in real time. I play the game with the same camera that is situated behind my QB and has been since the first Madden back in the 90’s. Don’t insult our intelligence and show us screen shots and box shots of instant replays, show us game play, show us the shots from someone playing the game. Don’t be afraid that people will see that very little has changed since the last iteration of the game, that's your fault.

This article was originally posted on February 21, 2008 at our previous gaming blog.

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